Milan Mann

Milan Mann

President, Real Estate Development & Construction

While Milan is at the helm of BM Group’s Real Estate division, he has been instrumental to BMG’s growth and acquisition strategy that has now seen the family-owned firm evolve into a portfolio of 16 companies supported by a team of over 400. While based out of Coquitlam, BC, the group of companies has offices in Seattle, Portland, New Delhi, and Toronto. Outside of work, Milan enjoys spending time with friends and family, exploring his affinity for coffee, and traveling. For Milan and his organization at large, community involvement transcends corporate initiatives, it’s engrained in who we are and is our responsibility. This is evident in their many community-based relationships. Milan’s interest in working with Options Community Services is grounded in the organization’s ability to make a direct impact and meaningful in the communities they serve.

Support Milan Mann and the Entrepreneurs of Options Campaign
Milan Mann